
Find me on TikTok @iapdigital and @iapdigital1 (back up account).


Find me on TikTok @iapdigital and @iapdigital1 (back up account).

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So What Can You Do!


--- So what can you do? Well if you keep on doing what you have always done then you will keep getting what you have always gotten. Now that I have said what are you going to do about it? The same thing that you did yesterday which was something you did l...

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Bitlocity, a Crowdfunding and Educational Platform.


Hey, I hope all is well on the other side of the country. Sorry I haven't been online a lot lately. Well, there are a few reasons why for that and the first one is because I broke my phone and I mean I broke my phone. I smashed it to pieces well it's still...

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Bitcoin, Bitlocity In Hickory, North Carolina


BITLOCITY MAY 5th 2021 BY: DAVID ISENHOUR Bitlocity is a new platform that deals in nothing but Bitcoin and strives to be a great platform for crowd funding and and educational platform. Now I have been with them since before they launched back in Febr...

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Crystals/Stone. Conover NC


--- Black Obsidian, Colored Agate Slices, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Blue Goldstone whatever stone is your favorite and maybe you have more then one. Learning how to wire wrap your stone depends on the size of the stone and what your taste or sty...

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